
Cracker Comic

First Issue: 18th January 1975
Last Issue: 11th September 1976
Copyright: DC Thomson

‘Cracker’ comic ran for 87 issues before it merged with ‘Topper’ comic. Strips in the first issue included ‘Young Foo’, ‘Simple Spyman’, ‘Big-Head Branny’, ‘Spookie Cookie’, ‘Scrapper’, ‘Castaways On Planet Doom’, ‘Billy The Kid’, ‘Hector The Collector’, ‘Skooldaze’, ‘The Headhunters’, ‘Spookum Skool’, ‘Joe Soap’, ‘Curly’s Commandos’, ‘Sammy Says’, ‘The Nutters’, ‘Dunder Ed’, ‘Iron Hand’ and ‘Mad Ads’.

Cracker Comic