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Tiger Comic Logo

First Issue: 11th September 1954
Last Issue: 30th March 1985
Copyright: IPC Magazines

Whilst sci-fi fans were lapping up the adventures of Dan Dare, IPC recognised that there was still a market for a sports comic. September 11 1954 saw the appearance of Tiger comic and its free gift of a ‘Space Gun Novelty’. Stories featured ‘Roy Of The Rovers’, ‘The Speedster From Bleakmoor’, ‘The Mascot Of Bad Luck’, ‘Bulldog Bryant’s Amazon Adventure’, ‘Tales Of Whitestoke School’, ‘Is Knowall Right Or Wrong?’, ‘Young Hurricane’, ‘Captives In The Fort Of Doom’, ‘Will Strongbow’, ‘The Two-Wheeled Whirlwind’ and ‘Dodger Caine – The Lad With A Wheeze Up His Sleeve’.

‘Roy of the Rovers’

Roy of the Rovers First AppearanceThe most famous story in Tiger was Roy of the Rovers and whilst playing as centre forward for the Milston Youth Club team, Roy Race was being watched by Melchester Rover’s scout Alf Leeds. The coloured cover of Tiger number one showed Roy Race scoring the first goal of many for Tiger readers and the last for Milston Youth Club. Does my bum look big in this?Alf Leeds was impressed and Roy was given a chance in the Melchester juniors on the back page. Roy was on his way to the longest career in football strips and most probably in football history. Roy of the Rovers was the invention of a writer called Frank S. Pepper who was also the creator of Captain Condor, an Amalgamated Press (Amalgamated press became IPC in 1969) attempt to rival Dan Dare. Pepper, who used the pen name Stewart Colwyn, conceptualised the Roy of the Rovers story to be that of an ordinary, humble lad the readers would identify with who would be signed by a great team and eventually become a star. In some ways, reality mirrors fiction in the fame and adulation that David Beckham receives.

Roy of the Rovers became synonymous with the Tiger comic and during the 1960’s Tiger had a circulation of over 300,000 copies. Pepper didn’t stay with the publication very long and numerous writers took up the story. The original artist for Roy of the Rovers was Joe Colquhoon who is famous for his collaboration with Pat Mills on Charley’s War. Colquhoon also drew such characters as Johnny Red, Kid Chameleon (Cor!!), Football Family Robinson (Jag) and Zip Nolan to name but a few.

‘Skid Solo’ in ‘Tiger’ comic

Tiger Comic Skid Solo

Tiger ran for over 40 years and many readers of different ages will have their own unique memories. The first comic I ever read was the first issue of ‘Roy of the Rovers’ comic in September 1976. ‘Roy of the Rovers’ the comic was a spin off from ‘Tiger and Scorcher’ and also a sister paper and this was how I was first introduced to Tiger. When I started reading ‘Tiger’ in late 1976 I was introduced to such stories as ‘Billy’s Boots’, ‘Nipper’, ‘Hot Shot Hamish’, ‘Johnny Cougar’, ‘Martin’s Marvelous Mini’, ‘Skid Solo’. I even had a joke printed in ‘Tiger’ highlighting my questionable sense of humour. Tiger survived for 1555 issues and incorporated a number of titles including ‘Champion’ (1955), ‘Comet’ (1959), ‘Hurricane’ (1965), ‘Jag’ (1969), ‘Scorcher’ (1974) and ‘Speed’ in 1980 before being incorporated itself into ‘Eagle’ (second series).

The Tiger comic banner lived on in ‘Eagle and Tiger’ dated 6th April 1985. To begin with the Tiger logo had equal billing with the Eagle logo as can be seen in the first combined issue below, but over time the Tiger logo became smaller and less prominent. Until, finally issue 221 of ‘Eagle and Tiger’ dated 14th June 1988 saw the last ever appearance of the banner and any mention of Tiger comic. After nearly fifty four years, the Tiger comic was gone forever.

First Issue of ‘Eagle and Tiger’ Dated 6th April 1985

First Issue of Tiger and Eagle Comic

‘Eagle and Tiger’ Dated April 6th 1985 Saw The Last Ever Appearance Of The Tiger Banner

Last Tiger Comic Logo