David Sque

David Sque Books

David Sque was born in Bournemouth in April 1944. A year later, he played his part in ending World War Two.

From the age of three he started to exhibit the Artistic gift that he has inherited from his Mother’s side of the family. He went to a small Catholic School run by Nuns, which is another story. At 16 he went to Poole College to acquire a proper education! From there, he went on to Bournemouth and Poole College of Art where he gained a National Diploma of Art and Design. Then a college friend, Yvonne Mullins (married name Hutton) introduced him to the World of Comic Illustration! He did some work on Annuals and Summer Specials until he was given his first weekly story. This was ‘Phillip Driver’, who was a Spy, whose cover was a professional Golfer. After this, he went on to illustrate ‘Martin’s Marvelous Mini’! This was a story of Martin, who he drew as a younger version of himself, and his mate who was his mechanic. They raced and rallied a yellow mini they called ‘George’!

Roy of the Rovers

In 1975, David stood in for Yvonne, who was having her second child, drawing Roy of the Rovers. The editor, Barrie Tomlinson, liked the way he was doing Roy and asked him to do Roy of the Rovers full time and, sadly, he had to drop drawing ‘Martin’s Marvelous Mini’.

The rest is history! ;o)