
Oink Comic Logo

First Issue: 3rd May 1986
Last Issue: 22nd October 1988
Copyright: Fleetway

‘Oink!’ comic appeared to position itself as a children’s version of the popular adult comic ‘Viz’. ‘Oink!’ ran for a total of 68 issues during which time it published fortnightly between May 1986 and December 1987, weekly between January and May 1988 and towards the end of its life, monthly between June and November 1988.

Famous stories in ‘Oink!’ were Uncle Pigg, The Street-Hogs, Harry the Head, Billy’s Brain, Horace “Ugly Face” Watkins, Weedy Willy, Pete and his Pimple, The Secret Diary of Hadrian Vile, Tom Thug, Mr Bignose, Burp The Smelly Alien, Rubbish Man, Hugo the Hungry Hippo, Cowpat County, Frank Sidebottom and Psycho Gran.

Preview issue 0 which was given away with issues of  Eagle, 2000 A.D. and Buster

Oink Comic Preview Issue


‘Oink!’ Comic First Issue
3rd May 1986
Every Fortnight
It’s Too Loud! It’s Rude! And It Makes Me Dizzy!
Free Colour Poster
Free Record – Singalonga OINK!

Oink Comic First Issue


Last Issue of Oink! Comic, Cover Date November 1988

Oink Comic Last Issue