
Cor!! Comic Logo

First Issue: 6th June 1970
Last Issue: 15th June 1974
Copyright: IPC Magazines

With a sachet of ‘Gulp’ powder as a free gift to quench the thirst of it’s new readers, Cor!!, with two exclamation marks, launched itself on an unsuspecting public dated 6th June 1970.

Cor!! Comic GusThe first issue of Cor!! saw the appearance of front page star ‘Gus the Gorilla’, ‘Ivor Lott and Tony Broke’. Also in issue one was ‘Andy’s Ants’ (Terry Brave) which told the story of schoolboy Andy who whilst whistling on the way home from school noticed that his unique whistle was audible to ants who exclaimed ‘You are the first human to make contact with us!’. Subsequent weeks saw Andy using his Ants to comic effect.

Other stories in the first issue included ‘Tomboy’, ‘Spoilsport’, ‘Hire a Horror’, ‘Trickey Dickey’ and ‘Kid Chameleon’. Another Terry Brave strip in Cor!! comic was ‘The Slimms’ which featured the adventures of Sammy Slimm who as is name implied was slim, however his parents were very overweight and the more Sammy tried to get his parents to cut down the more they ended up eating.

Cor!! comic also included the crazy antics of ‘The Goodies’ with artwork by Joe Colquhoon, the original artist for Roy of the Rovers. Cor!! ran for over four years, but all good things must come to an end, and with the announcement of the all too familiar ‘Exciting News for all Readers’ Cor!! was merged with Buster comic.

First Issue of Buster and Cor!! Comic 22nd June 1974

Cor Buster comic merger

Cor! Buster Bumper Fun Book: An Omnibus Collection of Hilarious Stories Filled with Laughs for Kids of All Ages!

Cor Buster Bumper Fun Book An Omnibus Collection of Hilarious Stories Filled with Laughs for Kids of All Ages

Cor!! Comic Footer